A 3-month 1:1 intensive designed to help you own your authority, take bolder action, and lead with conviction. This work will position you as the undeniable choice in your industry, attract high-caliber clients who are ready to invest, and elevate your business to a level that demands respect—and higher revenue.


My in-demand “outside of the box” program for established coaches and consultants who desire to work with a coach 1:1 to co-create their unique vision, support their mindset, and business, and so that they can fully embody the CEO who gets multiple six-figure results.


This is a free space for progressive women ready to create impactful change, challenge societal narratives, and support all human beings with empathy and purpose. Together, we meet every Monday to engage in deeper work, amplify our collective voice, and turn shared values into transformative action.

Anyone can teach you how to make money. I can help you change your life. I can help you shift your thinking so that you can become Wealthy On Every Level™.
Your business. Your mind. Your life.
So you can break free from the patterns that are keeping you from fast-tracking your success.
Whether you're ready for your next 100K or working towards your first seven figures Evolution will get you there and beyond.
But let’s get down to the REAL nitty-gritty.
Evolution is for you if you know you’re ready to have a complete overhaul within your business.

You know you need support with strategy, messaging, systems, and mindset to smash through that next-level barrier.

Especially if you’re ready to attract those premium clients you truly desire to work with.
Evolution is designed to do three things:
  • Support you in scaling your business with a simple repeatable process so you can work 50% less than you are right now
  • Increase your income & your IMPACT
  • Living your very OWN Wealthy On Every Level™ Life.

If you’re ready to step forward with ruthless determination to have all of that be yours then Evolution is for you.


The day you say YES will mark the day when everything changes.
It turned out that being coached, and mentored was flipping amazing!
So then I hired another coach, and another, and another.
With every investment came something new

What you’ll get:

  • 12-month container
  • Weekly deep-dive strategy session (3 x a month)
  • Sun-Th direct access to me via google drive - for document feedback, reworking & refinements
  • Sun-Th direct access to me via voice note & DM’s - for troubleshooting, celebrating, questions & support
  • Email support throughout
  • Option to be a contributing author in a Future Best-Selling Book Collaboration “Women Can Do the Impossible”
Click here to APPLY
Or slide into my IG DMS right here
PIF or Payment Plans Available on all programs.

I’ve always been a REBEL. Carving my own path, and finding new ways to stand out from the crowd.

Saying things others would never think to say.

Doing the things most would never think of.

But I’ll be honest, there are times when it can be lonely.  Even more so as an empathic coach who’s brilliant mind continues to jump from creative idea to creative idea.

You know you hate being tied down. That you love your space, and all of that extra time it provides you to flourish and grow.

But you know you need support.

Someone who can reign you in.

Support you in building on your ideas and turning them into profitable sources of income.

Someone who can see your shadows.

Your rawness,

Your gifts.

What you’ll get:
  • 9-month container
  • Monthly deep dive strategy session
  • Sun-Th direct access to me via google drive - for document feedback, reworking & refinements
  • Sun-Th direct access to me via voicenote & DM’s - for troubleshooting, celebrating, questions & support
  • Email support throughout
  • Sometimes we wake up and it’s that day - the day that changes the trajectory of your existence.
Today could be yours, rebel. Today could be yours.


Click here to APPLY
Or slide into my IG DMS right here


"Working with Melissa was the BEST DECISION. She has all of the answers, She shares so much VALUE, so much information and so MANY TOOLS that are helpful to make decisions and KEEP GOING."

~ Anne Knoop, Netherlands

"I would highly recommend working with Melissa. She is AMAZING. She’s supportive. She’s in your corner. SHE BELIEVES in YOU before you believe in yourself. She cares so much about her clients. So much so that I’ve signed on for another six months as I continue to build and scale..."

~ Nicole Staudt, California

"Working with Melissa was the BEST DECISION. She has all of the answers, She shares so much VALUE, so much information and so MANY TOOLS that are helpful to make decisions and KEEP GOING."

~ Anne Knoop, Netherlands

"I would highly recommend working with Melissa. She is AMAZING. She’s supportive. She’s in your corner. SHE BELIEVES in YOU before you believe in yourself. She cares so much about her clients. So much so that I’ve signed on for another six months as I continue to build and scale..."

~ Nicole Staudt, California

(in-person available DM to make this magic happen)
Inside you could… 


  • Gain insight and clarity around your offers, your frameworks,  processes, and the TANGIBLE outcomes your offers provide
  • Create brand new offers that you LOVE that are UNIQUE to you and your brand
  • Simplify your business model so you can stop throwing spaghetti at the wall
  • Learn strategies and energetics to raise your rates & fully embody the next level in your life and your business
  • Have a supportive sounding board for decision making
  • Launch strategies that feel good in your body, that you’re aligned with and that freakin’ work
  • Knock out the mindset shit that will inevitably pop up with every new level
  • Whatever else you need to feel supported, seen, and celebrated

Click here to send me an email and reserve your DAY
Or slide into my IG DMS right here


The Proven Freedom Code Framework™ - Your Four-Step Plan to Skyrocketing Your Income & Impact

Cracking “Your” Code Formula™

The (Cracking “Your’ Code Formula) uncovers and unlocks your secret weapon—YOU! This powerful process draws out your magnetism and gives you unshakeable confidence in yourself as a superpower so you shift from hustling and chasing clients to attracting ready-to-invest clients TO you in just 60 days without ever having to worry about sounding or looking like anyone else.

Business “Your’’ Way™

Here's the deal… most businesses take a dip in income and client results when they step away because entrepreneurs have implemented a business model that requires them to be fully present at all times. Making them feel like if they take their foot off the gas, they take their foot off income & clients' results.

This is because they are being led by what they think is required rather than creating a business model that supports them and their own values. But when you know how to create a process that fully supports you then you are able to step away, continue to scale, and work 50% less than you do right now.

Unlimited Money Mindset™

My Powerful Process supports you in embodying the sky is the limit mindset, and fully overcoming all resistance towards money so you can hit your next level of income over and over again, and create wealth beyond your wildest dreams.

Pillar #4 - Wealthy On Every Level™ Life

The final result- is an abundance that runs true in all areas of life: family, money, joy, relationships, spirituality & business. An all-encompassing feeling, and a new way of living that supports you in creating money with ease, working less, having more energy, and living a rich life inside + out.

I  resonated with Melissa initially because of her no-nonsense coaching approach. I was new in the online space and seeking someone who would guide me and help me create a strategy for my business. Little did I know that I would be getting that and a whole lot more!⁣

Melissa offers so much in the way of support - from program support with an unbelievable amount of guides, examples, PDFs, etc in the portal to utilize when building an email campaign or a website, to practical and emotional support with her caring but "not let you play small" way of coaching.⁣

I appreciated the guest experts Melissa had in the program as I received a lot of valuable info and guidance from them each month. I enjoyed the group coaching atmosphere as I gained wisdom from the experiences of others in the group and also from Melissa's coaching of the other members.⁣

If you are looking for someone to "tell it like it is" and be empathetic and compassionate for you and what you're creating, I would highly recommend that you work with Melissa!

—Heidi G.

👉 you’re READY to transform your energy, your mind, your business & your bank account.
👉 you’re ready to speak with conviction and call in your 'perfect fit' clients effortlessly.
👉 you care about money AND people. You want to make money so you can have plenty to give back and spend on everything your heart desires.
👉 you’re all in on creating multiple six figures and you’re ready to use what you’ve learned to create millions.

These programs are NOT for you if:

👉 you’re a new entrepreneur (4 months or less) and your current annual revenue is less than 20K then these programs are not right for you. 
👉 you ONLY desire to make more money and there is little purpose or meaning behind it then these programs are not for you.
👉 you’ve never charged 1K or more for a program or you’d prefer to ONLY sell low ticket offers then these programs are not meant for you.
👉 you’re NOT ready to tap into your full power and create wealth at an accelerated rate then these programs are not meant for you.
* Having direct access to Melissa weekly, where we dive into 1-on-1 hot seats about your personal business questions
* Learning from the award winning support coaches, as well as the people in my network who have successfully created online businesses that are booming with income and impact (that’s right, I’ll be bringing on some VIP guests too!)
* Getting OUT of the "paralysis/analysis” of “WHAT DO I DO?” and finally having a step-by-step clear cut path of HOW to scale your business
* Working SMARTER and not harder on your business, so that you can create a balanced lifestyle (the goal here is to not take time away from you, but to give you more TIME.)
* Learning how to confidently show up, and communicate online to ENROLL an everloving and everlasting community (did we mention that’s without any money spent on ads, and hey we’ll teach you the other way as well!!!)
* Never compromising on WHO YOU ARE instead you’ll be showing up MORE and shifting your focus to IMPACT (if you don’t show up, you’ll have a hard time doing that.)
* Being apart of a community of like-minded women that are fueled with positive energy and work to LIFT EACH OTHER UP everyday.

Not only will this mastermind help you grow your business, it will give you the momentum you desperately need to increase sales and set up a raving community that not only likes you, but is ready and willing to sign up for all of your programs and forever be your loving clients.

“Working with Melissa was by far the most stretching but catapulting time in my life. Before working with Melissa I had almost no clarity on what I wanted, what I could imagine, how I could make connections -- I felt like a walking zombie in my own business. I didn't know what I wanted, so damn sure I didn't know where I was going. Melissa is wise, strong, and steady. I felt like I grew in every way after each session; I learned business strategies, made plans I never could before, and had someone who gave me space when I felt like the world, and my business, were over. MY jaw dropped when I almost immediately booked a client after working with Melissa. She's THAT girl. It's one of the best business decisions I've ever made, and cannot wait to do it again.”

—Jackie C.


  1. Get crystal clear on who you are, what your business is, and who you serve.
  2. Develop consistent behaviors that empower you and attract your dream clients.
  3. Build your confidence by showing up EVERY DAY and adding massive value.


*You’ll leave with a unique, personalized roadmap that you’ll be able to rinse and repeat over and over again in your business.

*You’ll be guided by a fiery mentor (that’s ME)  that has already spent years doing all of the shit that doesn’t work so that I can now teach you all of the badass, powerful stuff that does! Let my failures be your successes.

*You’ll learn tools to embody the coach who’s already working with all of those high ticket clients! Let’s just call it a total mindset overhaul. It’s the one you’ll need to confidently sell four and five-figure packages.

*A proven system to attract clients to you, and how to refine your program to keep them as well.

A passionate wordsmith, Jessica Reilly combines proven marketing strategies and exceptional copy to help entrepreneurs and small businesses craft their story to attract and retain their ideal clients.
Natasha Tsitiridi is an 𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝘄𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗦𝗮𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗖𝗼𝗮𝗰𝗵. She supports women who are ready to set up and scale their online businesses to reach their first 6 figures.
This program will help you do three things:
  • Work, smarter. Not harder.
  • Attract 3-5 high ticket clients a month.
  • Increase your impact.
It’s all about cutting through all of the bull shit and beginning to focus on what will actually attract clients to you, so you can get results!

Are you ready to join Momentum?


*More high ticket clients/leads/podcast downloads/email subscribers: You’ll finally learn how to speak to your audience to attract them to you, rather than confuse them. This leads to an increased income and a greater impact!

*More money: You’ll learn how to raise your rates, attract ready-to-buy clients and how to confidently close all of your sales calls.

*Less bull shit and getting lost in minutia: Less time stalking other coaches, and trying to figure out how they’re doing it. Less time having to learn how to do everything by yourself. Less time wasted on all of those unnecessary, unproductive tasks that are not increasing your income.

*More freedom: With fewer clients, you’ll have more time to write that bestselling book, create that evergreen course, or prepare for that next big goal - you could also be vacationing in FIJI, spending more time on the couch, or at your six years olds soccer game. The point is with all of that time, you get to decide.

*More high ticket clients/leads/podcast downloads/email subscribers: You’ll finally learn how to speak to your audience to attract them to you, rather than confuse them. This leads to an increased income and a greater impact!

*More money: You’ll learn how to raise your rates, attract ready-to-buy clients and how to confidently close all of your sales calls.

*Less bull shit and getting lost in minutia: Less time stalking other coaches, and trying to figure out how they’re doing it. Less time having to learn how to do everything by yourself. Less time wasted on all of those unnecessary, unproductive tasks that are not increasing your income.

*More freedom: With fewer clients, you’ll have more time to write that bestselling book, create that evergreen course, or prepare for that next big goal - you could also be vacationing in FIJI, spending more time on the couch, or at your six years olds soccer game. The point is with all of that time, you get to decide.

ASK ABOUT THE BADASS ELITE OPTION which includes all of this plus monthly 1:1!